Well, its still not over; but thank-goodness we didn’t know the extend of lockdown 11 weeks ago !
Owning a small business has sent its own challenges which we can all share once we are allowed to embrace each other again.
I am not ashamed to say, it has been an extremely difficult time to watch my small thriving business close its doors, although necessary it was completely heartbreaking.
But, what can we do during a time of crisis- help, help and more help ! I quickly figured out my strengths and where I could be of assistance.
I volunteered to be a part of the Nightingale Education Faculty, helping to get all of the documents checked, verified ready for the opening of the hospital. Walking around the Excel, with a GP who I used to work alongside in Greenwich my very first job is a day I will never ever forget. The sheer size of the hospital was extreme. It made me extremely nervous and grateful for all of those health care professionals who were willing to put themselves on the front line, risking their lives to save ours.
I then joined the volunteer group in Brentwood, to help those who could not shop for themselves. I am used to working alongside the vulnerable, and with my enhanced CRB check I knew I could be relied upon. This was rewarding, although- shopping for other people is really hard !
I made the decision early during this crisis to remain open for emergencies. This meant, if you was suffering from an infection, you could utilise the private sector and prevent the need to attend a hospital.
During this time, I saw multiple in-growing toe nails !
Lets hope we can all see a brighter future soon 🙂